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10 Habits of People with Passion

Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them. ~Confucius

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Ryun

When you find your passion, you’ll have a boost of motivation to get started and change your life.

However, this motivation won’t last if you don’t turn it into habits.

We are creatures of habits. Our human nature always looks for ways to create patterns and do things on autopilot.

Habits are what differentiate successful people from others.

The habits that you’ve developed in the LOST phase – where you used to wander aimlessly without a clear passion or purpose – won’t help you build a life of passion.

That’s why you need to develop a new set of habits to serve you in your newly passionate pursuit.

These are 10 habits of passionate people that you can start cultivating today:

1. Wake Up Early:

The sun has not caught me in bed in fifty years. ~Thomas Jefferson

Passionate people are usually early risers. There is something magical in rising early, and preferably at dawn. This peaceful period before the rest of the world wake up can be the most productive period of your day.

When I started the habit of waking up early at 4:30 am everyday, I felt like I was not living before. The amount of progress, inner peace, and joy that I experienced all the day made me regret the years in which the sun always caught me in bed!

2. Read Vigorously

I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book. ~Groucho Marx

If you replace some TV time by reading a good book, you’ll be the most educated person among your friends and associates. And you’ll be a high achiever too.

My mentor Jim Cathcart changed his life after he listened to Earl Nightingale on the radio saying that if you studied a certain topic for one hour every day, you’ll become a national expert in 5 years!

There is an amazing quote attributed to Mark Twain that says, “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”

If you don’t like reading, you can do with audio books. You’ve to find a way to READ, there are no workarounds.

3. Simplify

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. ~Hans Hofmann

Simplify everything is your work and life. Start by eliminating the unnecessary. Everything that has nothing to do with your passion and purpose should be eliminated. They shouldn’t occupy any space in your daily life, because they are just a waste of time, energy and money.

When you have less needs, and you learn to enjoy more with less, you’ll increase your financial independence too.

4. Slow Down

For fast-acting relief, try slowing down. ~Lily Tomlin

You can never embrace a life of passion in the middle of a busy, stressful, and chaotic environment.

You must find some quiet time for yourself. Slow down and listen to your inner voice. Slow down and evaluate your progress. Slow down and maintain your focus on what matters most.

If you could develop the habit of waking up early, you’ll find it easier to develop this habit. You can easily find time to breathe, reflect and meditate.

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you. ~John De Paola

5. Workout

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. ~Plato

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. ~Edward Stanley

Health care is very important. So many people follow their passion with great enthusiasm, but they put too much pressure on their body and ignore their overall health and well being. They think they are supposed to work really hard to fulfill their purpose and grow their passion.

These are good intentions, but you should be aware that if you don’t take care of your body, it will soon collapse and this will not serve your passion well.

Health care should be on top of your priorities to maintain a good, prosperous and passionate lifestyle.

One of the best books I’ve read on the topic of health and well-being is 8 Weeks To Optimum Health by Dr. Weil.

6. Practice Daily

The more I practice, the luckier I get. ~Jerry Barber

It has been said that luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

You’ve to practice your passion daily. If you failed to do so, your passion will soon fade away and you’ll be drifted away from the right path by the busyness of life.

Talent can’t survive without or can’t compensate practice.

You don’t even need talent if you exert enough effort in practicing and sharpening your skills.

Practice and be always prepared, so that when the right opportunity presents itself, you are ready to seize it.

7. Network

We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men. ~Herman Melville

Surround yourself with passionate people. That’s the most important habit of all. It can accelerate your success like no other habit.

Connecting with passionate people forms the best support system for your passion. You’ll find the good advice, the necessary push, and the continuous encouragement.

What is the point of connecting with people who are still stuck in jobs they hate and not following their passion. What are your going to get from them except discouragement and trying hard to pull you down?

I believe the level you can reach in life is directly proportional to the level where the people you hang the most with exist.

It’s been said that your net-worth is determined by your network.

8. Keep a Gratitude Journal

If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. ~Robert Quillen

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. ~Epictetus

Gratitude is the best attitude. ~Author Unknown

This one habit does wonders. Be grateful for what you already have and at the same time aim for the better. Rest assured that when you’re clear about your purpose in life, you’ll recognize better opportunities much easier. Just be patient and grateful.

Remember, when gratitude grows up, more joy shows up.

I urge you to develop the habit of having a “Gratitude Journal”. Every night before you go to sleep, write down just one thing you’re grateful for in the day. Then expect miracles to happen!

My life purpose coaching clients experience amazing results in the first week of doing this exercise.

9. Be Prolific

Over 300 banks refused and the 303rd bank agreed to give Walt Disney a fund to build Disney Land.

Over 1000 restaurants refused and the 1010th restaurant agreed to use Colonel Sanders’s chicken recipe that changed the eating habits of the whole world with KFC.

It took him over a million images spanning 35 years, before Steve McCurry’s photo of Sharbat Gula (The Afgan Girl) was globally recognized and linked to Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Mona Lisa.

134 publishers rejected Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen’s Chicken Soup for the Soul before it turns into a mega all-time bestseller.

Edison made 1,000 (or 10,000) unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.

During his life time, Vincent Van Gogh sold only one painting for a very small amount of money. Today, his over 800 known works bring in hundreds of millions.

Mozart died with little to his name. Today, his over 600 pieces of music are considered some of the best ever created!

Can you see a pattern here?

If you want to turn your passion into a worldwide sensation, you got to be prolific and never give up. Keep producing great work, and one may take the world by surprise and make you a globally recognized star.

Produce more work than anyone could think humanly possible. I consider this the secret habit of champions (or legends).

10. Have a Blog

“Blogs are much more powerful than most realize. They’re a simple way to explore and share the thoughts and beliefs you’re excited about and for people to immediately see and provide feedback.” - Scott Dinsmore of Live Your Legend

A blog is a multimedia platform through which you can share your passion with the world in text, audio or video formats. People can come read, listen or watch you delivering your value. And if they like what you do, they will share it with their friends and the community will grow.

It is also a perfect way to practice and share your passion with the world on a daily basis. It ensures a constant strong bond between you and your passion.

These 10 habits will make a huge difference for you. They form a strong foundation to build and grow your passion. Like any habit, it takes time to develop and make them work. But once they are there, you’ll be on the fast track to achieve remarkable success.

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